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    1. Loneliness

      John 16:1-17:26

      Celebrations are great! Great food, great talk, and can have great loneliness, too. How is it we can be with many people, yet feel alone? Paul Schroeder shares on loneliness as today's word in this edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Gate

      Ezekiel 34:1-10, Matthew 18:10-14, John 10:10

      What does a shepherd do in caring for the sheep? While you may toss in the idea of protecting them, do you realize what that involves? Dr. Paul Schroeder shares on this topic in today's edition of "The Word Today".

    3. Closeness

      John 15:1

      Are Christians ever abandoned by God? Is that even possible? What is meant by "Indwelling"? Pastor Doug Schroeder answers these questions in this edition of "The Word Today".

    4. Indwelling

      John 15:1-10

      Did you know that God wishes to have a close relationship with you? Pastor Doug Schroeder shares about "Indwelling", what is it and who does what? Listen to this edition of "The Word Today" to learn more.

    5. Doubt

      John 20:1-31

      The pastor said he didn't believe Moses divided the waters of the Red Sea. Why would he say such a thing?