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    1. Fear

      John 9:1-41

      While most of us have fears, how can we overcome them? Paul Schroeder shares how in this edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Heavenly

      John 14:1-2, Revelation 7:4

      After death occurs in our lives here on earth there are only two possibilities of where we go for eternity. After we die, we either go to heaven with God if we are believers in his son Jesus Christ and therefore have the forgiveness of our sins; then we are going to go to heaven. If no, if we are unbelievers and still have our sin then the judgment of God is upon us and we will go . . .

    3. Curious

      John 21:20-29

      Are you curious about the word curious and why it is the "word for the day"? According to Pastor Doug Schroeder in today's episode of "The Word Today", Peter was curious about . . .

    4. Deity

      John 10:24-30

      He walked on the earth, but was Jesus merely a good man and a good teacher? What do we know about Him? Doug Schroeder proclaims about Jesus in this edition of "The Word Today".

    5. Unique

      John 1:14-18, Colossians 1:15

      "One of a kind" objects can be very valuable, extremely rare, unique. How is Jesus unique? How are you unique? Doug Schroeder explains how in this episode of "The Word Today".