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    1. Hell

      Luke 10:12, James 2:13, Revelation 14:10-11

      You know, some people try to make a mockery out of hell and they say well, I don’t know if there is such a place and if I go there because I deny Jesus believe me I’ll have a lot of company, ho ho ho. They think that is a joke as though they are going to have a lot of friends there and a lot of company there. Well let me tell you something—hell is

    2. Mission

      Luke 10:1-12

      "I am going to refer to something there that I believe is very important and that is the purpose and the reason why God has called us into His kingdom; why he has transformed us, why he has completely changed us into not a . . ."

    3. Road

      Isaiah 35, Luke 3

    4. Cornerstone

      Psalms 118, Luke 20:9-20

      It is the parable of an owner who had a vineyard and he hired servants to work for him and the time of harvest came. He was a far distance away so he sent one of his servants to the land where the vineyard was in order to get the portion of the harvest that was supposed to be his. When the servant got there, . . .

    5. Luke 23:30, 2 Peter 3:8, Revelation 6:15-17