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    1. Enemy

      Luke 6:27

      Have you ever been wounded or mistreated? How should you treat someone who wounded you or mistreated you? Pastor Douglas Schroeder provides the answer in this edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Burning

      Luke 24:13-35

      When a person has a strong emotional response/ reaction they are said to have a burning passion about something. How does that apply to a Christian? Doug Schroeder shares the answer in this edition of "The Word Today".

    3. Life-II

      Luke 14:25-33

      God wants you to grow in faith and have victory over sin. But how does that happen? Paul Schroeder shares how in this edition of "The Word Today."

    4. Written

      Luke 10:17

      Even after demons had to obey them, the disciples were told by Jesus what they should really be excited about. What was it that Jesus said? Listen to Pastor Doug Schroeder teach on this important portion of scripture in today's edition of "The Word Today".

    5. Announcement

      Luke 1:1-38

      If an angel appeared to you with an announcement, would it be one of warning or a great event? How would Mary have coped with her angelic visit? Pastor Doug Schroeder tells of messengers in today's edition of "The Word Today".