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    1. Here

      Luke 24:1-12

      Why is the resurrection of Jesus Christ so important? How does it impact you today? Pastor Doug Schroeder shares the answer in this edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Worry

      Luke 12:1-50

      We have Jesus encouraging us to not worry and try to take control over what’s happening, especially in cases where we have no control. No matter how much we might try to seek it. Jesus acknowledges these two factors in the topic of worry. One is . . .

    3. Against

      Luke 11:14-23

      Sometimes, the sayings of Jesus can be puzzling. What does it mean to be against Jesus?

    4. Bethlehem - I

      Micah 5:2, Luke 2:1-20

      What would the birthplace of Jesus have been like when the Christ was born? Pastor Paul Schroeder visited Bethlehem and shares about the town in this edition of "The Word Today".

    5. Conflict

      Luke 11:14

      Contrary to the thought that Jesus never fought, Jesus was engaged in spiritual battle constantly. Pastor Doug Schroeder shares on this conflict in today's edition of "The Word Today".